Socks & Souls Socktober 2017 Sock Drive Results
What does nearly 12,000 pairs of socks donated by various sock loving people in our communities look like? Check out the Socks & Souls #Socktober 2017 Sock Collection Photo!
This year Socks & Souls partnered with over 60+ locations in Illinois for Socktober 2017 and asked each location to have community members help fill their collections boxes with sock donations all Socktober long in order to help warm souls through soles!

To see each location's collection totals, view the Socks & Souls 2017 Socktober Results.
Socks & Souls wants to thank Kid President for starting Socktober, the collaborating towns and businesses, as well as everyone who donated socks; you all are AWESOME for helping save thousands of soles from cold feet this winter!
Check out the Socks & Souls Socks & Souls Socktober 2016 Sock Drive Page to see the almost 11,000 socks they collected during their 2nd Socktober Community or the Socktober 2015 Sock Drive Page to see the almost 5,000 socks they collected during their 1st Socktober Community Sock Drive!