Top 10 Reasons To Participate in National Night Out

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live. Here are the top 10 reasons to get involved in your towns National Night Out - if they don't have one? Start one. It's not hard!
- To enjoy a fun night (while showing off your sweet sock swag!)
- To meet your neighbors. It’s important to know who lives in your neighborhood so you can more easily identify strangers and suspicious people. It’s also a great way to make new friends.
- To increase the sense of belonging in your neighborhood. A sense of belonging to a greater community improves your motivation, health, and happiness.
- To make connections within the community. When you meet people, you may come away with a babysitting co-op, new friends for your children, a book club, all sorts of things.
- To discover your neighbor’s hidden talents like line dancing, guitar playing, etc. Your suit and tie wearing neighbor, Bob? He used to tour with a punk band called The Rainbows and sport a mohawk - seriously, go ask him!
- To share crime prevention and safety information with your neighbors. The more they know, the safer the neighborhood will be for all.
- To learn about your neighborhood’s history.
- To strengthen police-community partnerships.
- To network among your neighbors - trust us, they're dying to know where you got your sweet socks!
- To organize a Block Watch group.
The National Night Out program culminates annually on the first Tuesday of August. Note: Texas and a select few areas celebrate the first Tuesday of October.
Neighbors participate across thousands of communities from all 50 states, United States territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide.
If you didn't know already - Socks & Souls is all about community, giving back and in general making the world a better place for everyone, so get involved - get out there on National Night Out - have some fun!